Amazon Week

 September 11th to 15th 2023 

A series of multisectoral events on the sustainable development of the Amazon

The Amazon today

 The Amazon is home to the world's largest rainforest, with 10% of all plant and animal species on the planet. It is also home to 50 million people, including 400 indigenous peoples who speak 300 different languages. The region contains the largest freshwater reserve on the planet, and a veritable underground ocean. Continental in size, it occupies 40% of South America and. If it were a country, it would would be the seventh largest in the world after Australia and before India. 

Tropical forests are more than just ecological sanctuaries.

The rights of their inhabitants to a dignified life must also be ensured, respecting the three inseparable dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social, and environmental. A just economic-ecological transition requires development cooperation, supported by adequate resources and technology transfer.

Plans for the future

On August 8th, heads of government of states parties to the Amazon Cooperation Treaty (Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela) met in Belém, Brazil, to build a new and common agenda for the sustainable development of the Amazon. The Belém Declaration lists a set of commitments and actions to address multiple challenges facing the region.

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